Parts Pro News

FiTech (30008): 800 HP Meanstreet EFI

The Meanstreet 800 HP eight-injector kit from FiTech delivers incredible power in a compact package. The 30008 EFI offers an onboard ECU, fuel-pressure regulator, clean wiring, and easy installation directly on the throttle body—no hole in your firewall or unsightly harness draped across your engine—while the wideband O2 and annual swirl wet flow technology give you the most complete atomization available.

Users will enjoy getting on the road or track faster than ever via the Meanstreet’s proprietary self-tuning capabilities: all you need is your gas pedal and the included handheld touch screen controller. Meanstreet fits any four-barrel intake manifold and is the most self-contained, fully featured unit of its type.

30008 Kit Contents