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SA Design (SA462): CarTech’s “High-Performance Automotive Cooling Systems” Book

When considering how well modern cars perform in many areas, it is easy to forget some of the issues motorists had on a regular basis more than four decades ago: plugs and points had to be frequently replaced, expected engine life was one-half to one-third what you see today, and overheating was a scourge in warm climates.

Today, if your vehicle isn’t modified for street or track, it’s easy to forget that modern cars even have coolant. But if it is, you know that contemporary muscle cars and hot rod engines are pushed to the limit with stroker kits and power adders that strain the capabilities of your cooling system.

In High-Performance Automotive Cooling Systems (SA462) from CarTech, Dr. John Kershaw explores the basics of a cooling system’s operation, including coolant and radiator options, how to manage radiator airflow and coolant speed through your engine (and why it’s important), cooling fans, and testing and installation of all components. Pick up this book to learn how to build a robust cooling system to complement your engine.

Pages: 128
Size: 8.5” x 11”
Format: Paperback
Illustrations: 349 color photos and illustrations

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