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SA Design (SA294): CarTech’s Jeep 4.0 Engines: How to Rebuild and Modify

Though the venerable Jeep 4.0L inline 6 engine delivers adequate horsepower and torque from the factory, many off-road warriors want even more to conquer the most difficult terrain. Such adventurers would do well to pick up Larry Shephard’s Jeep 4.0 Engines: How to Rebuild and Modify from CarTech.

This 144-page book includes step-by-step engine disassembly, inspection of critical parts (e.g., block, heads, rotating assembly, intake & exhaust), important machining processes (e.g., decking and overboring the block), and stroker packages, which are some of the most cost-effective ways to increase performance.

Jeep 4.0 Engines: How to Rebuild and Modify (SA294) is the essential guide for at-home mechanics wanting to perform a professional-grade rebuild or high-performance build-up.

Pages: 144
Size: 8.5” x 11”
Format: Paperback
Illustrations: 498